Social Responsibility
INTERCOMM FOODS S.A. has committed to conduct its business activities, both internal and external, in a responsible, ethical and legal manner. Simultaneously expects its suppliers and/or its contractors will be aligned with the requirements set by these policies.
The institutionalized social responsibility policy was based on international recognized standard SA8000.
The following requirements refer to the minimum acceptable level and are not negotiable:
- Legal compliance
The implementation of all national laws, industry practices and standards of ILO and UN treaties.
- Free participation in unions and the right to collective bargaining
All employees have the right to establish or participate in any club wishes and collective bargaining are respected. Representatives of workers may have contacts with workers in the workplace. All above satisfy the conditions of ILO treaties 87, 98, 135 and 154.
- Non-discrimination
Everyone has the same rights for recruitment, training, promotion, remuneration and retirement regardless of gender, age, religion, race, social background, physical disability, members of bodies, nationality, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristic. All above satisfy the conditions of ILO conditions 100, 111, 143, 158 and 159.
- Remuneration
Personnel expenses for work hours and overtime meet the threshold of legislation. In no case are illegal unauthorized or disciplinary wage deductions. The staff salaries are defined in detail and at predetermined intervals. All above satisfy the conditions of ILO treaties 26 and 131.
- Working Hours
The staff working hours are in line with national legislation. The maximum permissible time should not in any case exceed 48 hours per week on a permanent basis and 12 hours a week in the form of overtime. Overtime performed voluntarily by staff and are paid an additional fee. All staff have at least one free day a week. All above satisfy the conditions of ILO conditions 1 and 14.
- Health and safety at work
A set of procedures has established which ensures health and safety at work. These procedures include the use of personal protective equipment for staff, use of machinery and mechanical equipment with appropriate measures of protection, labeling of dangerous points on the premises, cleanliness changing rooms, toilets and staff catering facilities, providing refrigerator for food storage and easy access for staff in drinking water. Practices and working conditions that violate human rights are forbidden. All the above satisfy the conditions of ILO treaties 155 and proposals 164 and 190. It has appointed a representative of the administration responsible for the health and safety of staff and responsible for the implementation of social accountability system Intercomm Foods SA All staff are trained regularly on health and safety issues.The company maintains records of education. Additionally each new employee or personnel who assume new responsibilities is trained in health and safety issues. Avoiding detection systems and addressing potential risks for the hygiene and safety of personnel are installed.
- Banning child labour
Our company is complying with the recommendations of the International Labor Organization (ILO), United Nations (UN) and national legislation prohibiting child labor. All these standards apply stricter. All forms of exploitation of minors is prohibited. Working conditions mentioning slavery prohibited. All above satisfy the conditions of ILO treaties 79, 138, 142, 182 and 146 of the proposal.
- Prohibition of forced labor and disciplinary measures
All forms of forced labor as a commitment of money, commitment personal documents prohibited as a violation of basic human rights. The use of physical force, mental or physical coercion and verbal attacks are prohibited. All above satisfy the conditions of ILO treaties 29 and 105.
- Management Systems
The company has established a social responsibility policy along with the lines of the SA 8000. Management is responsible for the correct implementation and continuous improvement by taking corrective measures and regular reviews of policy as well as the disclosure requirements of the standard in all employees. The company takes into account the comments of employees for non-compliance with the requirements of the standard.
In case of any concern, please contact the following e-mail address:
All information will be treated confidentially.
SAI - Social Accountability International (
SAAS – Social Accountability Accreditation Services
Eurocert (